ITRV stands for income tax return verification form and treated as an acknowledgement of efilling your income tax return. Each individual who has e-filled his IT return without using digital signature certificate is required to compulsorily send their ITRV to IT department’s CPC Bangalore office. However, if you have filled your IT return with digital signature then it’s not required for you to send it to IT office.
After efilling your income tax return an acknowledgment called ITRV will be generated which can be opened with a password in combination of your pan number and date of birth. If tax payer’s PAN number is ABCDE1234F and date of birth is 01-01-2001 then your ITRV password will be abcde1234f01012001.
After opening your ITRV, you are required to take a print out and send a signed copy to IT department’s CPC office, Bangalore. Before sending it to CPC, Bangalore you need to follow specific guidelines that IT department has suggested;
- While taking a print out you should not use dot matrix printer. Printing should be taken on A4 size paper and in inkjet or laser printer. While taking printout you should not use any ink other than black. You should not put any logo or other watermarks while taking printout. Only IT department’s water mark should be present in the print out.
- The ITRV that you are sending should not be a Xerox copy of the original. It should be an original print copy and signed at the verification space by the tax payer.
- Barcode on the ITRV should be clear. You are not allowed to write anything on the barcode of ITRV. Nothing should be written or typed on the back side of ITRV.
- You are not allowed to send anything along with ITRV. ITRV should be sent by ordinary post within 120 days of uploading your IT return.
- ITRV should be sent to IT office, CPC, Post Bag No: 1, Electronic city post office, Bangalore- 560100, Karnataka.
If the print out of ITRV is faded or light which is not clearly visible then it may be rejected by IT department. If you are filling IT return for more than one year or filling originals return with a revised return then you should take each print out in a separate paper. You are not allowed to take back to back printout.
ITRV not submitted with above specification may get rejected by IT department. In case it’s rejected then you are required to follow the above specifications while resending the ITRV to IT department’s CPC, Bangalore office.